beetle: snow kubono. beetle: snow covered trees. moey: nothing to do with snow. narrator: head outside to discover incredible animals andtoreate an ants unforgettable adventure. kubo: wow! narrator: so grab ur loved ones monkey: d t even. naator: and explore a world of possibilities. kubo: come on, this way. narratorvit diovertheforesorg to find the closest fo or parkyou.
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his own party, and i think that now what we are seeing to john s point is a really important sea change in democratic politics. i remember since al gore lost the 2000 election, democra were worried about t gun issue in their state, and now you can see the presidential candidates and hillary clinton changing, and we d t know whether this is going to be hurting the democrats or not in the south. that is going to remain to be seen, but there is a distinct difference now between the presidential candidates in the democratic party and the republican party. and john, almost all of the republican candidates, and almost all of the republican candidates, they are make it clear that they totally disagree with the president on the executive action to take the unilateral effort to tighten up on the background check, and the president did refer to it, donald trump specifically, and he said, this is not a plot to take away everyone s guns. that is what donald trump told
they have to leave their tray there, and they go about their business. they don t have no beef, no steak, no beef, no turkey. d t let them kid you. they ever fed us in the marine corps. they eat good. s good day, huh? i m a vegetarian, so beef is then? because that s what made me go vegetarian. next on lockup: raw. that s my buddy there. makes it a lot easier if you have a roommate you get along with, something in common with. a good cellie is key to an inmate s survival, but a potential threat to a lockup camera man. it was at that moment, that one little moment where i thought, uh-oh, what have i done?
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