A rodeo queen from Sheridan is now the rodeo queen of Wyoming.
Thursday night (August 18th), Reata Cook, who is the 2022 Miss Sheridan WYO Rodeo Queen, was named Miss Rodeo Wyoming 2023 at the Wyoming State Fair in Douglas.
She also won the Best Social Media award to promote the Wyoming State
The Wyoming Game and Fish is encouraging anglers to pick up a copy or review the 2022 Fishing Regulations online before heading out.
Game and Fish have made some changes to this year’s regulations, including an extension of the catch-and-release and artificial flies and lures only area on the No
The young ladies of the Sheridan WYO Rodeo Royalty will be holding a fundraiser that will feature music and both silent and live auctions.
According to Sheridan WYO Rodeo 2022 Queen Reata Cook, the funds help the WYO Rodeo Royalty to purchase horse tack, rodeo royalty clothing and fund their eff
The Sheridan Dog and Cat Shelter has grown a reputation for rehabilitating, training and finding homes for dogs that were once believed to be too aggressive or misbehaved and cats of every temperament and variety.