what are medicaid? i don t know. how do you do the computer and figure it out? i can t get a computer to figure it out. the website crashes. instead of saying the numbers are lies, why don t you prove it? i m going to wrap it up. can i say one more thing? i have to make a point before we go. if they have a death spiral where no young people sign up, premium s sky rocket before the midterms. originally when the bill was passed, remember the number the democrats were touting was not 7.1 million. it was 19 million uninsured to get covered. this chart from the apothecary shows this is what cbo wanted, projections for people to be on previously uninsured to be insured, excuse me. this is how many they got. it was supposed to be 22.8. it s now 12.5. this is my graphic. also, i m going to answer a question that you asked. how do you prove it? if i were jay carney today or
invincible, so called, are underrepresented. that would indicate the risk pool is going to be higher and costs are going to be higher. on this one, chris, the facts really do speak for itself, and to have howard dean, a democrat, say there will be bumps along the road at a minimum is very telling because they don t even know what the issues will be. if the website crashes on si signup, i can only imagine what happens when people with leaf or death decisions and doctors who don t know how it s going to work, try to make it happen for people who need health care, but when it comes to facts, i want to turn, since i have you, on the issue of the new york times report versus everything that fox news in its reporting has learned about the tragic event in benghazi. what s your impression? i know you have chairman rogers on your show. an important interview this morning. yeah, mike ragers is the chairman of the house intelligence committee who the
this is a huge change to the country s health care system. it s been a huge gamble for democrats, from the get-go, passing it, and the polls have repeatedly shown it s not popular. parts of it are popular. as a whole, it s not. you have lost applications, you ve got website crashes, information that doesn t match up. it just seems like the headaches are really only just beginning. for the white house that cannot be good news. one of the things people have to focus on are whether young people sign up that means if a lot of young people sign up, the premiums will go down, this program will be a success. we have not seen a detailed breakdown of young people, people if their 20s or 30s signing up. that s the key. that s the success. the website was broken. it s better now. but they have to sign up young people and that remains to be seen whether that will happen. bob cusack, thank.
you know, conservatives can go to that website too. and they can get health care at a cheaper cost and more comprehensive coverage, as well. what are the right wing talkers of america what career are they going to have when the conservative callers start saying, you know what, this thing, obama care, you ve been ripping on for the last several years is kind of working for me. how is that going to play out? they re not they re not afraid that it s going to fail. they re afraid people are going to love it. and as we begin the big christmas and holiday shopping season now, there s an interesting behavioral aspect to this. and it is the extent to which we have become accustomed to, indeed dependent it on, e-commerce. we don t think twice about giving our credit card to a teenager at the mall who is seasonal help. but we get all shook when the website crashes. you had me on in september, and on this show, we predicted that on october 1, the website would go down. and it did. a lot of
she kept saying i m accountable. but a lot of folks were saying well, who s accountable for this and that. what we really see from a tech standpoint, there were so many cooks in the kitchen. when something happens and the website crashes or goes very slow as she said, you don t really know where to point the finger because every single person, everyone s building a different type of technology. you put it together and without the end to end testing which is what she essentially said, they didn t really have much end to end testing, you see it s going to crash quite often. when you put together the part, they didn t necessarily fit as expected, wolf. and one other thing, laurie, congressman michael burgess of texas referred to an article that was posted on cnn.com in recent days saying it was for people it was relatively easy to hack in and get someone s name and get some sensitive information. in fact, let me play the clip from congressman burgess.