Today . That i am aware of board of directors in more old business . Seeing none we can move to the executive directors report. Good morning directors and members of the public and just a few announcements before we move on for our construction update for today. It is now displayed to the public at the academy of science and that will run for a number of months. So we would like to thank the California Academy for putting on display the mammoth tooth. And we will be looking for a new home in 2013. And finally on october 17th we had number one of our regularly Schedule Committee meetings to provide a construction update to our neighbors. So everything that moving along well. Now to give our construction update with steve turner. Good morning, directors. Steve, ru, with turner construction, construction oversight. I dont know. Is that up . There it is. Another good month, of work or almost a month and a half since we filled you in on the last period. There were no recordable incidents. W
In a very contemporary fashion. That base, that thicker base is at the lower five floors and the additional metal depth also does a couple of things for us. It helps us mitigate the effect of wind shooting down the exterior of the building. So imaging that this will be a very calm environment when it comes to controlling wind. And it also allows us to address the whole issue of how to avoid birds flying into the structure. That extra depth and and keeping the birds from hitting the building. If you look across first street you see one of the key retail lobbies of the center at the street level. And you see the entrance to parking and you see the relationship between the north edge of the Transit Center and the south edge of the tower. Now, you are standing across mission street. At the corner of mission and freemont. Once again you see the heavier metallic work at the base of the tower and you see the grove of redwoods and the sculpture at the corner and you see how lively and prominen
Shifts not just eight hours a day. And one of those will be a certified mechanic as well and so any instant repairs can be done. They will conduct all maintenance and inspections on a regular basis. Including certifications and dismantle all of the equipment at the end. We started with. We received a cost estimate independent one from webb corp in july, and for duration of four years starting in january, for 12,000,000. Three proposals received on december the 14th and anvil builders was selected on september the 20th. And notice of intent to negotiate was issued but this is an asneeded, or you need each piece of equipment and so it is therefore as need and we need to negotiate rates and an appeal was received from one of the other bidders and it was concerning licenses it was reviewed, the licenses were checked and the appeal was denied. We then entered negotiations on the contract, which was completed on october the 25th. What we did basically was to negotiate the labor rates, in fac
Extraordinary successful collar collaboration with the San Francisco Planning Department staff and so the design that you are going to be seeing i would characterize as the result of a very, very healthy collaboration with staff and we are quite proud of it. So i just need this here. And this is an image, several images that you are going to be familiar with. It simply puts the towering context and this is clearly one of the most important building complexes and we do see the Transit Center and the tower. And with the center with the roof, top, park and with all of its services and amendies, adjacent to it, is the large tower. The tower of course is a key participant in the financial district of San Francisco and we think that it represents the best thinking in the United States about transitbased development. The transit city tower is on mission street. It is address will be 101 first. And i will show you in a few minutes how that is going to be worked out. It is just north of the Tra
Transit center itself and we are very, very careful about the interaction of the two buildings structurally, one with the other. The elevator core is also part of the structural system. It is four feet thick, at the lowest level and tapered in size of the tower and goes up and so it allows an enormous amount of stability to the towers structure. And in a building this tall, it is very interesting, obviously seismic design is critical but at this height of 1070, it is really wind that one has to design for primarily over seismic, if you design for wind, appropriately you have designed to seismic. That is the key to the very robust central core that has a concrete box surrounding it. You see the three exit stairs and you see the great number of elevator and this happens to be one of the lowest floors and that is the low, rise, elevator core that is colored in. This is the mid point of the tower and this is about a 20,000 foot square plate and then the top plate of the tower, 18,500 squar