Wednesday Bantering: Springer Back Tonight
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Last night’s was one of my favorite games ever.
Personally, I’d have left Trent Thornton in longer. It would be nice if they could stretch him out to go five innings, but if they are going to take him out after two each start, that isn’t going to happen.
Using 6 relievers in a game is unsustainable, but none of them threw more than 26 pitches. I think the plan was to have Milone go longer than the one inning he threw, but then he wasn’t good.
Going with Dolis in the ninth was interesting. I’d guess that the three-batter rule was part of the reasoning. If Romano couldn’t find the strike zone by the time they could bring in Dolis, the tying run would be at the plate, but I wish they would have shown some faith in Jordan.