Dannevirke and Pahiatua Dairy Weaner Sales conclude
24 Jan, 2021 04:00 PM
2 minutes to read
PGG Wrightson staff help auctioneer Bjorn Anderson sell dairy weaners at Dannevirke.
Bush Telegraph
By: Dave Murdoch
Pic 2: BTG250121WS2 Caption: There is plenty of demand for white-faced stock like these from December 8 s sale.
Pic 3: BTG250121WS3 Caption: Angus crosses were also sought after.
By Dave Murdoch
With the end of the Dannevirke and Pahiatua dairy weaner sales approaching on Tuesday, January 26, there is still demand for beef cross bulls and heifers thanks to a wetter summer providing plenty of feed.
There is plenty of demand for white-faced stock like these from December 8 s sale.
and the clinton campaign would have had time to recover from what would have been a week-long set back in early october because of the anthony weiner laptop investigation which turned up nothing incriminating in the hillary clinton investigation. so that one month could be what turned the election for donald trump. when james comey was questioned by the inspector general about that delay, it became clear that he was not involved in most of the communication about the anthony weiner laptop between washington and new york over those weeks and he explained his detachment from the beginnings of the investigation of anthony weiner s laptop in this very strange way. he said, i don t know that i knew that weaner was married to huma abedin at the time. wow! then he was the only person involved in this fbi investigation who did not know that. now the fbi director is an
turned up nothing incriminating in the hillary clinton investigation. so that one month could be what turned the election for donald trump. when james comey was questioned by the inspector general about that delay, it became clear that he was not involved in most of the communication about the anthony weiner laptop between washington and new york over those weeks and he explained his detachment from the beginnings of the investigation of anthony weiner s laptop in this very strange way. he said, i don t know that i knew that weaner was married to huma abedin at the time. wow! then he was the only person involved in this fbi investigation who did not know that. now the fbi director is an enormous job. and it s become much, much more enormous in the 21st century now that it includes worldwide antiterrorism investigations 24
this is a handshake. no one thought this person who was supposed to cause divisiveness. just months ago we were going to have a nuclear war with north korea. this is his negotiation strategy. all of a sudden everybody is shaking hands. the network like they are surprised it s breaking news. they were in denial. you would not have gotten this with hillary clinton. he could not even fire huma abedin. my god. yes. the weaner emails. you always bring this back to weaner. thank you. i am working on a book. candace, the hermit kingdom has messed with americans and at the last second pulled out and nuked back up. you have to keep that in the back of your head.
i m sorry, sir, but you re going to have to pay for all 12 buns. they re not marked individually. yeah, you want to know why? because some big shot over at the weaner company got together with some big shot at the bun company and decided to rip off the american public because thing the american public is a bunch of trusting nit wits who will pay for things they don t need. security. rather than making a stink. i m not paying for one more thing i don t need need. george banks is saying no. who s george banks? me! i love steve martin. now the website, nicky think.com reports that father of the bride 3 will center around the marriage of mattie, the younger brother, marrying another man. and steve martin tweeted about the rumors, quote, so excited