that deserved the thumping it received? you re not going to get that and, you know, i have met stuart. he s not a friend of mine, but you read the piece he wrote in the washington post, you listen to what he said, you say no wonder romney make. the arguments he s making are fantasy and they re pernicious. he says crazy things like no one in washington, in the washington green room, ever thought mitt romney was going to be the nominee. it took a movement to get him the nomination. everybody thought he was going to be the nominee, and what was the cause that was at the heart of this movement? secondly, he says, well, look, the guy won the whiter, wealthier vote, and, therefore, we carried the day. that s a line out of saturday night live. the truth of the matter is if that s all you got and you didn t get 270 electoral votes, i suppose you have received the jim crow prize for second place finish in the presidential campaign. it s crazy. only thing i would say to my friend bob is