alex read the piece here from king about the dreamers, part of it was so difficult and like in that week that was so exciting about doma and prop 8, it came at the end of that affirmative action and voting rights act week. so part of my anxiety here is just the way in which i don t want to see a disillusion of the progressive coalition at the same time that there is an attempt to reach into the republican party. because if the idea is to make the argument specifically around a kind of upper middle class frame for i hear you. i hear you. for marriage equality and then you miss that this was a coalition that first came together with dreamers and black folks an young people and if all of those people can get screwed while they sort of move to a neutral position i m totally with you. look, it was bittersweet. week we won doma, the day before we lost the voting rights act. we vs to also understand those are terrible losses that have enormous impact on people. huge. i thi