been recovered. a lodge, i guess, was the term that they were usedhas and that, in fact, that the u.s. has recovered technology. and i look at the witness list and we re talking about falking aba 18 fighter pilots. we re looking at people that are well-respected in the highest ranks in government and the air force giving testimony. why do i not thinkhem? they re lying and why do i believe them? whether or not my my name c is tim. i m sorry to correct you. oh, sorry about that, mr. handey. . going tight you. no, it s all right. i m going to blame my staff and throw them down the stairs. but that s okay. that s okaame myd throw y. he you re all right. no, don t do that.ed they re the ones. invite me back. oh, that s m true. about now we read. t thank you. sorry about that. ty. is oka pae reality is there is three patriotitrc americans. they they literally risked their careers and theiroming and their reputations by coming in and their legacy. you know, we vine been told abot