commercialed tv, rather than the interests of voters. and so your job as a voter when you watch the debates is to try to think beyond the sound byte and figure out what, if anything, in the debate actually matters in your choice of candidate. and don t be surprised if there is nothing in the debate that helps you make up your mind, because the debates are not designed for you. the debates are not designed to enlighten us about who can best do the job of the presidency, because the debates have absolutely nothing to do with the job of president of the united states. that is tonight s last word. the 11th hour with brian williams starts now. hour withn williams starts now. tonight, the president dismisses the warning from
spirit of the new deal, great society. and i think in terms of the baseball metaphor they have to be able to draw contrasts with other candidates that s what they are doing. there s been a lot of talk today about how president obama was attacked last night over immigration. which i think is a little oversaying it. i mean what actually happened is a reflection on mistakes democrats made in the first term of the president regarding immigration and deportation. i mean, the first person who tell you they disagreed with the obama dmimgs policy is obama himself because he created new policies to provide relief to dreamers. we re a little too sensitive about the robust discussion happening. tension can produce great growth. 2008 people forget that got heated as well. i agree with walid on that i think the word attack gets used too much. what i m watching is a variation on the kind of debate you see unfold within the democratic party for decades on the senate floor, for example, where we
districts. i win in the midwest. i can win in states like michigan, iowa. and we have a president where people turn off their tv when they see him. not me. i will make you proud as your president. and then there was this moment when amy klobuchar was specifically invited to attack her competitors for the democratic presidential nomination. and she would not do it. you have said when asked about your primary opponents, quote a lot of people are making promises and i m not making promises just to get elected who on the stage is making promises just to get elected? everyone wants to get elected but my point is this. i think when we have a guy in the white house that has told over 10,000 lies that we better be very straightforward with the american people. leading off the discussion tonight is senator amy klobuchar