yes, yes. a ha dog y monday, everybody. so imagine you have a big guard dog to keep an eye on your hom y and you depend on the dog to keep your family safe in a tough neighborhood saf. now, imagine the dog disappears for four days. would you notice i?f? the answer is yes. then you re normal. if the answer is njoe o, you ree biden. because how the hell he not know? his secretary of defense was missing for four full daysy of . i mean, it s not like he s hunter on a crack binge. hunteonly showing up to ask for more cash for meth and antibiotics. this a secretary of defense. in case you missed it. and trust me, the white house hopes the world did. lloyd austin was admittet an d to a hospital last monday. now we appreciate the general servicase and we wi him a speedy recovery from whatever the problem is. knowing the military, i hope he s not pregnant. t k but the fact that we don t knowi what the problem is.hen ou the problem. but shouldn t the american people be told
these geniuses sit there. most of them are kill theft from the icomingm, but they sit. bing, bing, bing, bing. she it s going to music. you i think we could use you like that. i mean, isn t that better than we rng other countries of dollars billion? we re going to get billions of dollars out of the countries and so they can build a dome. but we don t have a dome ourselves. we rely: it to hav the greatest. it s a good point. it s about sd greg: time we p that dome gap. we re sitting here completelyca exposed. meanwhile, canada has been covered in saran wrap for year sw . but one question remains how can we get mexic o to pay for it? th oh, also, how will it look? well, there s only one covering that s guaranteed to keep our countrd top yoy safd secure. beautiful. t tyler, what do you thinkdome this dome over the country would look like? can you describe it forus? us in voice or donald trump s trice?
agent has been used in the past. this could have incredible psychological effect on the rebels. they re as concerned about chemical weapons as the west is. but the u.s. is leaking at syria in the context of iran. syria s ally. it s putting pressure on syria by letting this news out. signaling to iran that perhaps and kind of upgraded u.s. involvement beyond sending 200 trainers to jordan might be in the offing. there s a lot of complex kabuki playing out here and there s varying degrees of uncertainty comment gives the administration additional latitude. doesn t say he has crossed the red line, very distinctly, action is coming. shepard: i guess they want others involved in this, the brits and french, others. and middle east alleys, we rely. they don t want to go into some kind of action in syria that s going to further antagonize some of the u.s. middle east allies. iraq is not exactly a stable
rnc and the dnc. the big events. so you always have to anticipate that whether it s occupy or whether it s anarchist groups, whether it s just slackers with answer general at that agenda, it s something that you have to devote resources to, both on the intelligence side and then on the physical security side. it s unfortunate in a way because some of these individuals, some of these groups, particularly in europe, they have a habit of just traveling from event or conference to other events. just look to provoke and cause trouble. taking what otherwise would be a relatively peaceful and viable demonstration, turning it into something violent. so the u.k. government and the military, police, and others have been very focused on what these activist groups may engage in. just like we are when we rely. it s a shame, because it distracts from where the real serious threats may come from, meaning primarily terrorism. heather: so mike, it is a new world. we have to talk about twitter. are