that horse left p barn. we recentrifuges, what kind of inspections for what duration. richard, let me interrupt you. how has there been such slippage through the years? how do we get to this point where they have all the centrifuge, enrich uranium. george w. bush drew one line after another. barack obama drew the line. iran crossed the lines and now we find b ourselves in this position. why wouldn t we say to them united arab emirates has a nuclear program that they re developing that can t ever be weaponized. what s wrong with that? nothing wrong with it in principle but in practice we can t get others to insist on it. basically what you re saying if we re going to have a credible backdrop if with we ever did have to use military force, we can t lose control of the narrative. insisting on zero we ll lose control of the narrative. what you re saying is a bad deal is better than no deal and i don t agree with you. acceptable deal is better than potentially the alternatives