Western television and anime localizers have recently come under fire for injecting "woke" language into English dubs not present in the original work, prompting some companies to implement AI as a way of limiting human intervention.
Anime fans and artists engaged in heated online debate after it was revealed that AI would be used in shows previously accused of inserting "woke" language.
Mon, 26 Apr 2021 10:53 UTC
The mainstream media s reporting on the COVID crisis in India has clearly been governed by a global approach to messaging that appears to aim at ramping up fear of new variants and coerce compliance to vaccination during a period of increasing resistance, both in India and abroad. However, as somebody who lived in India for 8 years in total until December 2019, and as the fundraiser for a food bank in Bihar that has been alleviating the hunger caused by lockdowns [1], I have daily contact with people in India as well as some context for the figures being presented amidst the ongoing alarm.