know what business the white house is doing, we don t get the logs any more of who is going in and out. we ve got kevin dunn, he s the chief of staff, it was great, i saw it. here is a clip of the new series. oh, where is the great and powerful odds, by the way. listen, we all know the white house work so much better when there wasn t a president, there is. we work around that. we ll talk politics on and off the screen. let me finish tonight with trump watch, this is hard ball where the action is. ) at farmers, we n almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even a coupe soup. [woman] so beautiful. [man] beautiful just like you. [woman] oh, why thank you. [burke] and we covered it, november sixth, two-thousand-nine. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because
2019. there are things of that sort. i m not suggesting it s going to happen. but there are always a few tweaks. when does a does a particular tax roll off. but it won t be anything major. the deductible or the refundable tax credits that help the lower income people buy in, we have o have those. some form of expansion has to move forward. they will have to cut it down to what the states normally pay. judge jeanine: more deal making. in there is not much more we n do. not one single amendment in 27 hours on the bill. judge jeanine: now to wikileaks of internal cia
not directed or constrained. in our system of government we count on both the judiciary and the legislative branch of government to be separate from the executive branch of government. we count on them to constrain the executive branch when the executive branch overreaches. we n only to expect them to resist being used as political tools be i the president, we expect them to independently investigate the executive branch when there are serious questions about the behavior of that branch of government. that s ho that s how our rule of law works, right? late last night in the middle of the night the national security advisor to the president resigned, was fired? resigned? was fired? we don t know. he s out. national security advisor michael flynn. being national security advisor is a hard job. there have been a bunch of scandals surrounding the national security advisor position or the person holding that position over the decades. it s thought of one of those jobs that s hard to hold on
of a different drummer. beat i say, i just dance. be up for anything with boost. it s intelligent nutrition. with 26 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. and i m just getting warmed up. boost. be up for it. we ll discuss. ] at farmers, we n almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even a rodent ride-along. [dad] alright, buddy, don t forget anything! [kid] i won t, dad. [captain rod] happy tuesday morning! captain rod here. it s pretty hairy out on the interstate.traffic is literally crawling, but there is some movement
we can practice enkindness, we n pay it forward, we can volunteer, we can serve, we can respect one another. wherever the world makes you seek true humility and selflessness, look to a veteran. may god bless all who served and still do. and may god bless the united states of america. president-elect donald trump tweeting this, let me put it up there today we express our deepest gratitude to all those who are is served in our armed forces #thankavet. to any veterans and their families watching us right now, let me add my vice, thank you for your service, thank you for your sacrifice. that s it for me, thanks