email she sent to herself on trump s inauguration day. also note tonight, the liberal mainstream media fawning over the sister of the murdering dictator kim jong namg and olympics while criticizing vice president mike pence. we lll show you that video and explain to the brain-dead media why they shouldn t be praising a rogue regime that tortures and kills people in prison camps. and storms their own children. remember that plane load, 1.000000000 in cash and other currencies that the obama administration gave to iran? the washington times s reportg that some of that money can be traced back to terrorist groups like hezbollah. we ll cover that and much more and tonight s opening news breaking before we get into the news, we are never going to forget that hillary clinton break the primary against bernie sanders. we are not going to forget that her exoneration was written before the investigation was even near-complete in the private email server.