scott, who would not attack something trump said. don t we also have a responsibility to not only not do it but also to say when someone does it, that that s wrong or we disagree with it forthright and not try to kind of pull out punches? absolutely to i agree with you. one of the things that just shocked me early in trump s presidency was when he would use words like deranged and human scum to describe his enemies, enemies of the state. and i m from a generation when we would address our opponents by something like my right honorable opponent. what a what a fall in just the civility of our nation that was introduced by trump. and i don t think anybody can really justify that. i don t think it helps them at all. i agree with you. yeah, it should be renounced and called out. we re at the top of the hour. i just want to underline one final thing here because you brought this up, and i remember when nancy pelosi said that she prayed for donald trump, and he said, oh, that
jonathan. some democrats i speak to say they don t entirely believe republicans, they won t go back to this if they gain power. senator chris van hollen mentioned that roe v. wade was here to stay and that went away. his quote to me was always be vigilant. there are other dems like senator raphael warnock who is running a tight re-election battle in georgia saying the aca hasn t fully been implemented in part because the medicaid expansion, which is optional for states, has not been taken up by some republican governors, including his state of georgia, and there are hundreds of thousands of his residents and constituents in that coverage back. the argument from democrats is, a, don t believe the republicans because they re not campaigning on its, and there s still more work to be done to fully implement the aca. there s still a fissure even if it s not about the issue of repeal. sahil, thank you for that report. it s the piece of technology that controls pretty much all
electronics from cell phones to cars even products like refrigerators and ovens. and now the question is could computer chips be the next global battleground? joining us now, fellow at the american enterprise institute, chris miller. he s the author of a book out tomorrow chip war. the fight for the world s most critical technology. thanks for being with us. as a guest said earlier this morning, you just have to look to the past. in 1989 the author said we japanese don t have to put up with the americans anymore. we make the computer chips that guide their nuclear weapons. they either do what we want them to do or their missiles will fall helplessly into the sea. here we are 30 years later and we ve put ourselves in a position of dependence where
over 20 years, how much better we got at fighting urban warfare and how that is being taken into every fight that the ukrainians are taking to the russians? you re right. two things count leadership and training. the technology at the end of the day tends to not be the dominant variable in the outcome of a battle. the ukrainians have managed to develop inside a massively expanded force, a half million territorial forces called up and put into the battle. they provided the leadership. and i think we ought to remind ourself by the way, it was the california national guard and other national guard units for a decade that worked at developing a ukrainian noncommissioned officer corps and trying to get them away from this top-down soviet model of do what you re told and don t move if you to dent get an order.
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