care insurance or pay a fine. are the justices giving any signals on which way they might rule? let s ask fox senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. judge, we haven t hard the audio yet from today s courtroom session. but the breakdown we re getting in print about the questions the justice has asked suggest that the court is kind of breaking down along the four liberal, four conservative line with justice anthony kennedy being the swing vote gleen and even though he was not in the courtroom and have not listened to the audio yet, i m about to do so as you and i finish chatting, jon, it appears that justice kennedy did ask some of the most profound and stinging questions of the government, saying things like well how can the government create a market for the purpose of enabling it to regulate that market, and this is the profound question. he says to the slitter general, isn t it true that this law, if undisturbed, would profoundly change the