with them because you won. however, if your party falls back into the midterms of, i bet you if it s rigged, we don t win, are you worried about what kind of sell that is to the american people that undercuts our democracy? well, let me address the issue in the context of virginia. stewart and company argued that democracy is at stake, and they ve demanded that republicans embrace that theory. youngkin comes along, a conservative republican with a standard set of republican ideals to solve problems. and says that joe biden was a legitimately elected president, denounced january 6th, did not embrace it. and still the democrats beat him about the head and face, you cannot have it both ways. you can t have the republicans do what stewart wants him to do, and then claim they re donald
i kind of agree you re right, except the party, eddie, the party leaders act as if trump has all of this power. absolutely. she s not wrong. there s polling indicating please go away, but they re afraid to say it publicly. in some ways, governor desantis, his popularity has to do with he s a version of trump in some ways, in particular sorts of ways, but i think you re absolutely right. the base of the party is in lockstep with trump. what i heard in trump s remarks last night in georgia was, if we don t win, somebody stole it. if the results aren t consistent with the way in which i think they should be, then someone stole it. we heard it from elder. seems like it s going to be a strategy across the republican party. leigh ann, there s not a republican, other than adam kinzinger and liz cheney, that feels comfortable going after him publicly, right? yeah, that s absolutely right. the base of the party is still even though trump is not the same factor he was when he was
if the senate control comes down to a seat or two. this is now the playbook. this is the playbook. it just rolls off their tongue. lower taxes, strong defense and elections are rigged if we don t win. it s at the heart of the domestic terror threat to the homeland. and the secretary of state of georgia and a republican governor certified the vote after three audits in georgia. who do they think is rigging the election? their campaign surrogates? they don t care about the details. this is all about firing up and angering their own supporters. when i watched the fox news clip of larry elder, fog didn t think one capitol insurrection was
doctor said, but this ban has civil implications that requires a lawyer to go to court, that requires lawyer fees and $10,000 if we don t win. what happens if everybody is sued, not just me. my staff is nervous. they ve been asking what about our families? it seems to me that is exactly the design of the law, terrify everyoneclinic, including the receptionists, about what their situation will be. it is to use word like aid and abet without any description of aid and abet means. it does tag the counselor who talks to you about it. this is happening in an emergency order. this hasn t been briefed, it hasn t been argued, this hasn t
john kirby, retired u.s. admiral major general start, assume the if they don t continue after we withdraw, we don t win. i guarantee you everybody in my world is not asking about withdrawal, they re asking how do you maintain an intelligence picture to conduct lethal strikes. i would lay any money that you will see, i don t care what the taliban says or what happens with the taliban after the withdrawal, i don t care what the conversation the u.s. government has with them and i don t care what they ask, there will be lethal strikes after september 1st, bet on it. we have to take out isis-k.