you can read the complaint. there s some indications in there. as to why they chose this target, i do not know that. i know there was a lot of chatter early on about workplace disputes. we don t see any indications of that. we don t e see any witness accounts where there was a fight or argument with syed rizwan farook inside the venue at which this act occurred. correct. any other people during that time? did they go inside that house? i don t have that available. they did not go inside the house. what surveillance? that was 2:52 p.m. that was the actual detectives who saw the vehicle driving. i m going to take three more
stop further joint damage and clear skin in many adults. doctors have been prescribing humira for 10 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. want more proof? ask your rheumatologist about humira. humira. this is my body of proof!
but we don t know yet. we are still exploiting the data. i have not seen it yet. we are still exploiting that and that will take time. i truly believe that s going to be the potential golden nuggets, but we don t e know yet. any information that there may have been something planned for that particular day and for some reason it got moved up? i don t know any reason it was on that day. remember, there was a christmas party that took place inside that room. so you had a lot of people. you had a lot of management. you had a lot of employees in that room at that point. he was not under active surveillance. i m not aware and do not believe
it s a way to try to bring some order to this phenomenon, but we don t e know when somebody is talking about doing something or pledging allegiance to a group what s the trigger point that they act violently. there are plenty of people who say things who don t know those who are radicalized and never going to do a violent act. those who are radicalized and once something happens are going to jump into an act of violence. i was hearing the words earlier. these invisible soldiers are not on the radar. thank you. . next, one of the first police officers to arrive there on the scene of the attack describing what he saw, what he heard, his words unspeakable carnage in the moments immediately after this horrific shooting with one priority he describes, finding the people who carried out that attack. his own words coming up next.
to teach kids the proper way to do this. do you think these new rules will prevent proper instruction and training? it remains to be seen. we need to get more detail. it s very critical that we understand that one third of concussions happen in soccer in middle school from kids attempting to head a ball an enso if we don t e almost nate that we have over 35,000 concussions a year that are preventable with the stroke of a pen so, you know, it s a great first step because it used to be able to head a ball at 6 years old. now we ll have kids a lot let their brains develop over time and safer when they re old. chris, great to have you on today. thank you for your time. thank you. i want to check in with frances rivera. the bing pulse question to do with this. will banning headers for kids under 11 help prevent brain injuries? we asked this question to our viewers and take a look at how