obvious fears given the well-known brutality of the cartel in there well demonstrated lack of respect fo life. the video that appears to show the aftermath of the attack is disturbing showing a woman bein roughly pushed into the back of a truck, and then three other people dragged and simply throw onto the back of that truck see only badly wounded or possibly worse. get these sorts of texas are individual. we stand ready to provide all appropriate assistance. it seems that for americans who we re driving a minivan wit north carolina plates across th border at brownsville, texas headed into matamoros, texas. apparently for one of them to undergo a medical procedure, or as the mexican president put it today, to buy medicine. they somehow got caught up in some kind of confrontation and the area which is well known fo drug cartel violence and have seen a spike into doubts recently with various faction o the gulf cartels fighting each other. the area in the state and which is lo
people are taken by the cartel and it is difficult to aces to work. you talk about input open communication pair there has to be a line of munication between this administration in the mexican of ministration because longer this goes on the mars becomes it more of a blackeye. it asked for meet freely, that is one of the importance of having a strong border and enforcing such. look back now, i want to pla this soundbite because this is the sister of one of the victim he was taken. she says this is like a bad dream you wish you could wake u from to see a member of your family thrown in the back of th truck and dragged. it s unbelievable. she kept saying we couldn t go downgrade the cartels have