Cant do this job, the emperor has no clothes. Suddenly, everyone where, people are going, oh, my god, its true. He has no clothes. Thats the background to, to the perception and the understanding that well finally end this perez den presidency. The controversy comes amid the president s request for 18 billion to build a border wall with mexico. We want the wall. He is facing resistance from democrats. Dream act now. Who want the status of undocumented children addressed first. We will build a great wall along the southern border. And mexico will pay for the wall. Top democrat nancy plesy called the 18 billion in funding alarming. And urged Party Members to speak out. Since the Trump Administration ended daca, deferred action for childhood arrivals program, Democratic Leaders have been negotiating additiona security measures as a way of passing the dream act, a more permanent solution. In a statement, senate minlt whip said the border wall demand is outrageous and makes Government Shutd