Do you plan to get the vaccine? Yes, Beun said. It s personal and part of protecting myself, he said. It s also another step toward everyone being protected so the spread isn t as much. It keeps people safe and we can take those next steps to a new normal.
West Holmes Local Schools
Who will be administering the vaccines? Holmes County General Health District.
What will the day look like? Employees will show up to the West Holmes High School gymnasium during their scheduled time slot. The health department has said it can vaccinate about 18 people in 15-minute increments, Superintendent John Thomas said. School nurse Tom Eastep scheduled staff based on what category they fall into; essentially, older staff members and those with compromising health conditions will be prioritized.
WOOSTER A limited supply of the COVID-19 vaccines is slowing the rollout of local vaccination clinics, but as soon as the opportunity becomes available to get a shot, health providers are strongly encouraging everyone to take advantage.
“If you’ve seen what we’ve seen, you’d run to the front of the line to get that vaccine,” said Dr. Robert Sabota, a hospitalist and internist for Aultman Orrville Hospital, during a webinar about the vaccine held for the Wayne County business community Friday.
Sabota, who has seen at least 250 cases of COVID over the last year, joined several other health care professionals and public health officials to answer questions asked by members of the Wooster and Orrville chambers of commerce.
Listen to the full story here.
“So, last week was stressful,” Mangan sighs. “Because I really feel like, it’s everywhere. It’s everywhere.”
Back in August, Mangan says, the parents in her district were adamant about going back in person. The district held meetings over the summer about it. Tensions ran high, she recalls.
“I spoke out a handful of times, along with many of my colleagues, against returning to face-to-face. I just didn t feel like it was safe. I was very unsettled by all of it. I have contemplated quitting my job.”
But Mangan’s been teaching for 20 years. She loves it. So, for now, she’s staying, and teaching “hybrid” classes: A handful of kids log in online from home, but most of the students are there with her, in the classroom.
Health officials in Ashland, Holmes and Wayne counties, who are responsible for vaccinating the EMS staff, are lamenting the limited supply of shots.
“I am disappointed because we would like to move more quickly,” Holmes County General Health District Commissioner Mike Derr said of his agency’s 100-dose per week shipments from the state.
Wayne County Health Commissioner Nick Cascarelli said his department had vaccinated about 950 members of the 1A group as of Wednesday, and 400 more 1A-eligible individuals have already registered for the coming weeks.
Despite the numbers and letters, one phase of the state’s vaccination plan does not have to be deemed complete for the next to begin. And the beginning of a new phase does not lock members of previous groups who have not been vaccinated out of doing so.