Fans got a taste of what Zack Snyder had in store for the DCEU when the director’s cut of Justice League released earlier this year. Recently, the director shared a photo of what his version of the iconic Green Lantern would have looked like had he made it into the film.
“[Zack] said, ‘We’re going to shoot it, we’ll see what the studio says, ” the Green Lantern actor told the LightCast (transcription via Comicbook). “This is kind of crazy because we shot it in what I’m going to call ‘Driveway Studios.’ He called me after he showed it to everyone. I think it was the second time because they had watched it in parts. He was like, ‘They’re not letting me do this thing. ”
While the scene being cut disappointed the Green Lantern actor, Carr is very much thankful for the opportunity and appreciates the fan reaction.