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Companies have accepted that work-from-home is here to stay. Commercial landlords need to stay relevant. Enter the flexible office.
TRD Brand Studio will host its first virtual event, Optimizing the office: How flexible workspaces will bring back office tenants, on Tuesday, May 4 at 2 p.m. EST. This live event will feature executives from Essensys, IWG, Industrious and Studio by Tishman Speyer discussing the challenges and possibilities of the new office normal. Buy your ticket today!
Moderator: Michael Beckerman
Michael Beckerman
Michael Beckerman is the CEO of CREtech, the largest global consulting, media and conference company devoted to technological innovation in real estate. CREtech’s mission is to help the industry future-proof its businesses and inspire the next generation of ideas, processes and people in the world’s largest asset class. Beckerman also leads the CREtech Climate, the firm’s newest initiative to galvanize the industry’s