hold that flag are the true traitors of america. we must not tolerate mistreatment of black people. we go down on our knees to draw attention to our injustice. when is kneeing that s a sign of respect. it is a sign of deference. kaepernick sat and someone said take a knee. a veteran. yeah. so if are you going to protest, by the way if it keeps moving some are saying the protests are against trump against this president and deferring to a president you don t like by kneeling seems odd. i got to address that, people are upset with the president, ed, because he called them sons of bitches. i m not a fan of that term. just for accuracy but go on. can i remind you kaepernick started this protest under obama.
so when nfl players take a knee they are not disrespecting a flag or an anthem they instead are going down to make us rise up, to make us look up at the ambitions we hold dear that should be applied to everybody. right now they re not. kneeling is not about a flag, it s the degree to which african-americans and people of color are continually put upon by police people who do not ultimately respect them. in this case it has to do with african-american people mistreated by the police and other forms of race icist and discrimination that persists. if this president were to do well will listen to the racist rants he echoes in the chamber ofs of private gathering, instead bring us together and allow us to see heros from
disrespecting our national anthem our flag our country and that s what they re doing in my opinion the nfl has to change or their business is going to go to hell. we have to respect our national anthem. we have to respect our country. and they re not respecting our country and most importantly the fans agree with me. largely the fans agree. we have to show total respect for our national anthem for our flag for our country, have to do it. that after purity oat ricans desperately try . p. why aren t puerto ricans getting the help they need. that in a moment. first i want to talk with our guests authors both books on my desk thank you for joining us. michael, the president is continuing to use nfl controversy to drive a giant wedge in our country.
assembling under any pretext whatsoever they might be deprived of every other privilege. the fact that these athletes are courageous enough and intelligent enough to use the first amendment to fight for our 14th amendment is extremely commendable. people cannot like why they re protesting and when they protest but the fact that they have the right to protest in said manner is that s all that there should be. can i read something. yeah. this is the american legion of veterans organization that helped to write the u.s. flag code release this statement today. go on, what do you think of
that? well they are standing united right. we the people. that s what makes america. the flag doesn t make america. these athletes and those who are supporting them like myself and countless number of my friends and my soldiers former ncos we it s important to understand that the flag is a symbol of how great we are. the ideals of what makes america great. so when the athletes are quote unquote protesting, what they re saying is we love our country so much that we are willing to shout out what s wrong. we re willing to bring to light the faulties and frailities of our country and we all need to stand together to make our country even better or as great as it can be. matt, i have to ask you, i saw something i thought was a