The advent of the electric two-wheeler has begun in India. But as the country’s e-mobility sector picks up pace, what challenges lie ahead for e-scooter domination on the country’s streets?
look really authentic so it really is very difficult if not virtually impossible to distinguish which ones are coming from trolls and which ones are not and this is also lead to even prominent people sharing some of them for example one of the most famous supporters. the writer and coulter she was sharing multiple posts originally coming from russian accounts that have now been shut down you know the more polarized the political landscape of the easier it is for fake news to take root right absolutely and i mean polarized electorate also means that people want to connect with other users that are like minded they tend to then close them selves in these in these bubbles where they can use then circulate also more easily and we re seeing efforts by companies facebook twitter google to tackle this problem and another aspect that is now really concerning is the fact that. close messaging apps like watts up are being used for this purpose and they are much much less