Watergate committee. He recalls the day he served president Richard Nixon with a subpoena. Subpoenaed the president 46 years ago on july 23, it was the first time in the history of the country that a committee of congress had ever issued a subpoena to the president. Becauselectrified washington was filled with anticipation. The did not know whether president was going to be totally indicted or what was going to happen to him. When those takes were finally revealed, that was the way they removed mr. Nixon from office voluntarily. He saw that his own words convicted him. What was your role during watergate . I was the deputy chief counsel. Was the chief operating officer. I was there to serve as the righthand man to see that things were working well, the train kept running. Coordinate the hearings, who the witnesses would be, how they would be handled. It was a big job to run a committee with competing personalities and a lot of computing staff. It was my job to just see that things work
With support from our spectrum cable partners, this begins traveling to chapel hill, North Carolina. Coming up in the next 90 minutes, will learn about the citys Literary History and speak with local authors including jake smith on his book cheated. Then in about ten minutes, we sit down with the citys first africanamerican mayor, howard lee. Following that in about 30 minutes, subpoenaing president nixon during the watergate hearings. We begin our special feature with the academic scandal that involved the Athletic Program. [applause] four seconds to play. I would say sports are very important. In that respect, youre like probably other universities but maybe a little more so because weve had such Great Success in theres an ingrained tradition of winning and competing in lots of different sports. Its an important part of the culture. For many years, weve all involved in the myth of being the tarragon of virtue and the master of joining athletic rights. I think we all convinced ourselv
Rep. Holtzman just barely. Actually, the irony is that there was a breakin in had i own Campaign Headquarters roughly around that time and a very ugly incident and people actually got beat up and had to get taken to the hospital. So i was worried about my own campaign and worried about my own Campaign Workers and worried about the breakin at my Campaign Headquarters. So watergate was just a kind of far in the distance, thunder far in the distance. Timothy you get elected. Rep. Holtzman i won the primary. That was in brooklyn, the equivalent of getting elected. Although my opponent challenged my election in the courts. But when that was over i won in the courts of course it was a november election but it was not. It was pro forma. Timothy what kind of training did they have for new congresspeople . Rep. Holtzman none. Timothy none . Rep. Holtzman none. Timothy you get to washington, what are your assignments . Rep. Holtzman well, i didnt get to washington day one of the new congress. I
Sec. Clinton i expected to go to work for the Childrens Defense Fund for marian adelman. I had interned for her, i think after my first year, maybe, and again, i think thats right, i wanted to go to work with her so i moved to cambridge and began working, doing investigations and litigation around issues like the incarceration of juveniles with adults in adult prisons or the effort to give tax exempt status to private segregated academies so they didnt have to pay taxes issues like that. Expanding childcare, Getting Better conditions for migrant workers. Thats the kind of work we were doing. And thats what i started doing when i graduated and went right to cambridge to work for her. Timothy please tell us about the call from john doerr. Sec. Clinton this is a very funny series of actions. I was down visiting bill in arkansas, i think it was right after christmas, if i remember. Either right before or after. Bills phone rang and he got a call from john doerr. And john doerr said, i have
A sledgehammer what i think are the judicial and prosecutorial abuses that categorized the watergate coverup trial. I understand people were convicted. But you need to understand lawyers lawyers dont play fair. , they argue two things. They can argue, look that the , person did not do the crime, the person was not guilty. But usually in a political scandal, the argument is, there was not enough proof to find them guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Very high standard. It is not that they were blameless. Its not that they were innocent. We say, we would rather let 100 guilty go free than convict one innocent man. Properly, then it cant come in. If you did not share information properly with the defense, those procedural violations can equally invalidate a verdict. I am happy to argue both. So that is kind of what we are going to go through. One word from last week, last week was the allure of the white house tapes. I went through a bunch of them with you. Perhaps too fast. What i find fas