in communities like this one, there has been criticism that help has been late and slow to arrive, many saying they are doing what they can to reach these areas, but villagers telling us not enough is being done. miguel almaguer thank you so much. a developing story out of chile, the calbuco volcano erupted again for the third time yesterday, spewing even more ash into villages already struggling to clean up from last week s eruptions. the concern now is rain. it s expected to hit the area today. that could create volcanic mud. crews continue digging ditches for water runoff to prevent potential devastating mudslides. more than 4,500 people have been evacuated since the volcano started showing signs of activity. up next david wildstein, the former port authority official and former chris christie ally expected to enter a guilty plea for his role in the bridgegate scandal.
looked in the last few weeks. come back jonathan. time to wake up america. california has a massive water problem. don t think it s california s problem alone. the golden state now turning brown produces one-half of all fruits nuts and vegetables consumed in america and prices are rising across the board. they should have planned for dry skies but the liberal state directed water away from farming areas in order to protect wildlife. billions of gallons of water are diverted away from the delta region into the ocean every day to protect a delta smelt, a two-inch fish. more than 30% of water runoff is allowed to drain into the pacific ocean. wake up california. you don t have a water supply problem. you have a water management problem. the state has a massive annual water runoff surplus. but for 40 years, almost uninterrupted heavy-handed democratic control of the state s legislature has california drying up.
has he been accurate about anything? no. it s opposite day. remember? that s what we said. it s opposite day. the pentagon says it. says what? that in fact global warming is a threat to our national security our health food supply to cities, to based on what juan? 40% higher food production per capita than we did 60 years ago. let me just tell you, if you have coastal areas being flooded but you don t. you don t. you don t hear the one example, california. there s a drought going on. right. why? we don t know why. yes we do. california gets 71 million yard acres of runoff each year. they use 42 million. they have a 30 million surplus of water runoff but they divert it and it goes into the pacific ocean. why? because they want to save some fish and wildlife in the delta
pack this year has been just 5% of average. the snow pack is where a lot of the water runoff goes for cities like san francisco, which is not a poort ofpart of the colorado river basin. anything north of the bay gets its water from snow pack and there s not a lot of snow pack left. there s not a lot of expected rain in the future for lots of the west. apparently it s going to rain today or the rain is coming in the next few days. i think what says everything is that every time even a sprinkle is in the forecast it shows up on the front page of the los angeles times. rain is such big news out there because the climate has changed so much people are nervous about the future of california. thank you for being with me. it s such an important conversation. thank you, jose. still to come, texas lawmakers are looking to kill a benefit for 25,000 dreamers that allow them to pay in-state
state. that is called a storm water management fee. it may cost maryland taxpayers $300 million every year. how does the state how much water runoff you have on your property? it s going to be monitor you using satellite technology. that sounds like the twilight zone? it is. next up, they will be taxing the internet. monica crowley, taxing the rain, are you right with that? we don t have enough money from the federal government because federal rates are lower since the 50s. states depend on it and make it up in order to pay what they have to pay. bill: you are okay with taxing the rain? i m okay with local municipalities need what they need to do which is why more fair tax rates. bill: coming ps is okay.