Commissioner vietor are excused we have quorum thank you, commissioners you have the minutes from the october 11th any additions, deletions, or changes. Ill move the minutes. Second. A motion any comment any any Public Comment . All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . The minutes are adopted Public School item 4 this is a chance for people to talk about items on the jurisdiction and the first one is mr. Da costa. Welcome. Commissioners for the most part i first and foremost i want to express my sentiments to our general manager you know his mother was not in keeping well and we always need to support our mothers you know because they play a special role no our lives having said that, i was watching the deliberations at the last sfgovtv commission and we have to be very mindful of how we conduct our business when it effects the communities especially a community that is the southeast sector unabout known that played an Important Role in contributing a lot to the city the hifrtsz committee was
Here. Commissioner caen . Commissioner courtney herehere. Commissioner kwon . Here. Present vietor. Here. Commissioner kane is the budget in more recent years has actually increased from 2 million to 5 million. Expected shortlyand the kilowatts installed remained high. Over 2000 kw per year. Commissioner courtney will not be able to be here today. On the next slide you can see the total that are impacted by pg e and on the mme. Sec. Next item please. Left side you can see the item number three is approval of the minutes of payouts on this you see this august 9, 2016 all those in favor say, aye. Opposed, nay the motion passes more so in the recent years and the participation of the installers is what you see here with the installers this unanimously. Mme. Sec. Can you call item for please . Item 4 is gen. Public has been very good in the comments. Members of the beginning especially with the market share. It is happening in a general public may address the market context. California com
Of bonds and we will report back to the board within 30 days of issuance with a bond issuance report. And so, that is the first recommendation or recommended change. The second is a series of changes related to the disclosure. I think you will remember last spring we went through quite a bit of disclosure training with the commission as well as that staff level. We really wanted to put that in our policy that we wanted to regularly train staff and update the commission on disclosure practices. We also added that we would make public funding on the united market municipal funds disclosing organization and new Clean Renewable Energy bonds these are all essentially considered private placements. They are not public debt market issuances. We want to make sure we do appropriate disclosure for those transactions as well. And also, that we provide from a regular basis the green bond spending and that we issue a number of green bonds. In addition, we have a recommendation that enhances the cha
Sure to follow us on twitter as well. Oakland couple believed to be missing in peru has been found safe near the border of ecuador. Garrett and his girlfriend are through south america. Laura anthony is in concord. The state department will not confirm it, we know both that the couple is safe. If the plan holds, the families should hear from loved ones by telephone tomorrow morning despite that news, shes posted a sign for reporters that reads, quote, until we have proof of life we cannot celebrate these rumors and sightings. Proof of life is my sons voice on the phone a picture of him holding the missing poster. Calls to family members started to come in at 2 00 this afternoon that the couple was safe and on a boat in a a reliefedcyv after not hearing 1รท been posting regularly on facebook. They had not posted or contacted families for a full month. Jamies sisters under west sacramento. Im excited coming from them that is awesome. That is awesome. But i still want to hear my sisters v
Also ahead here. What are the chances that you will get a ticket for running a red light. Number of violators caught on camera. Who never actually get written up. Just address those of you up for an award. Oscar host seth certainly has his critic. Why his newest ha[ woman ] my boyfriend and it were going on vacation, so i used my Citi Thankyou card to pick up some accessories. A new belt. Some nylons. And what girl wouldnt need new shoes . And with all the points ive been earning, i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot, even on a holiday weekend. Things are definitely. Looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates, you can use your Citi Thankyou points to travel whenever you want. Visit citi. Com thankyoucards to apply. For hours this Evening Police in santa cruz search for gunman after shoot out with the cops. When it was all over 2 officers were dead. And so was the suspect. Good evening. Police chief in santa cruz says this is a horrible, horrible day fo