The Delhi State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission bench comprising Rajan Sharma (Judicial Member) and Bimla Kumari (Female) held Emirates Airlines liable for deficiency in service for ignoring.
retired commercial airline pilot. this is a came that came via twitter but it s a smart one because it gets to another possibility as to why pilots might take a turn. it comes from someone named ziggy. if catastrophic failure and all instruments become nonfunctio l nonfunctional, what would experienced pilots do? if not preprogrammed, if reacting to something that happened in that cockpit, what would you do in that situation and how quickly? and based on that, would how this plane behave be consistent with that? thoo well, the plane would become difficult to control, but there are nine or ten possible power sources here, so it would have to have multiple failures. each engine has two generators, the auctionry power unit has a generator, there s a turbine that drops out, batteries for a short time. it s almost inconceivable that everything can fail, but if that happened at night over the water request with no strums it would be difficult to control the airplane. we would not expect a fl