marriage back together again. he still bought her cars, he still tried to buy her thousand dollar dresses to buy her back. and she would take every bit of it and still hold him at bay? yes. so was there a motive and all that, the tumultuous marriage ending in violence, a marriage where a husband is deeply in love with his wife? maybe he finally snap, struck back. that s with the investigators wondered as they sat in the interview room late that night. the best person in the world has a limit. okay? and when they reach that limit, they do things that they wouldn t ordinarily do, or couldn t even think of doing. and i think you reach that limit. no. that s not true. the doctor insisted he wasn t there, didn t know what happened. but he thought it was most likely an accident. i m worried that she may have tripped on the water hoses out there. you know trying to chase bella around the pool.
villagers have been desperately trying to confront this fire, grabbing whatever they can find. but their tree branches and water hoses clearly no match for this ruthless inferno. translator: we don t have tools. we are trying with what we have to put it out. it will be hard with the wind. we will try with what we have. we can t do anything else, only try to protect the houses. may god be with us. reporter: on the ground and in the air, it s been a tough fight against some of the worst wildfires in algeria s history. the country s military was deployed to help evacuate residents and battle the blaze that s claimed dozens of lives and destroyed countless homes and livelihoods. the smoke that s engulfed many of these hard-to-reach areas has made this an even tougher fight. and near record temperatures from a scorching heat wave are making it almost impossible to
the fires broke out. translation: the climate crisis is here, and it shows us that - everything must now change from the orientation of our economy to our national energy policy, from the functioning of the state to the daily habits of citizens that concern the environment. wildfires are still raging in algeria fuelled by a heatwave in northern africa. at least 65 people are now known to have died. the conditions are brutal. here residents in one village use water hoses and tree branches to fend off the flames. elsewhere the army has been deployed to fight the fires. 28 of the fire victims are soldiers. you can see here the devastation. entire homes destroyed. residents have fled to shelter in hotels, hostels and university accommodation. lets turn to turkey. last week we brought you pictures of the wildfires that ravaged its southern coast now the north of the country has been hit by another disaster flash flooding. this is kastamonu in turkey s black sea region.
and so when it came time for him to take his final military flight before retiring, the person directing him in was his 8-year-old daughter, gabrielle. that father had no idea. carefully guiding him in with his c-17 cargo plane. captain erin altobelli by his daughter s side helping to bring her father in. dad coming off that plane for the last time at joint base charleston, and his sons seth and sullivan welcoming him home with an air force tradition, the water hoses. and right here tonight hi, david. reporter: gabrielle, the whole family, including dad. i was so glad my family and friends were there to cheer for me. reporter: a father s sacrifice and a family grateful to have him home. knowing that that was his final flight just actually gave a wave of peacefulness over me knowing he ll be home for good now. thank for your service. welcome home.
we saw four little girls eventually were bombed in a church in sunday school one morning. but the victory was the civil rights act. and history awards those that will stand up even if it s unpopular, even if they re attacked. i thought about that when i landed in fred shuttlesworth airport. who would have thought that in 63 when they were marching and facing biting dogs and water hoses in birmingham that the airport would be named after reverend shuttlesworth who led that fight locally in birmingham. there is no who was the sheriff that put the water hose out. there s no airport. there is one for those that stand up and stand up for what s right. that does it for me. thank you for watching. i ll see you back here tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. eastern for another live edition of pl politics nation. up next, my colleague richard lui picks up our coverage with more of today s impeachment