in very difficult conditions because of the water conditions. yeah there s a couple things at play here that may work to the favor of these boys. first of all, you heard about the temperature of the water being in the mid-80s. that s very good for them. also if the boat capsized and they were able to get that cooler likely there was something in the cooler like water, but also the cooler floats. and if as the coast guard wonders, if they were able to fashion some sort of flotation device, they would be able to hold on to something. that s the challenge, is there something for them to hold onto as they re out here head nothing to day four? because they re certainly going to be fatigued. you cannot float on your back out here. even though it looks calm, these waves are coming over and you can t just float on your back for four days. kerry sanders, thank you very much. good to see you. coming up, we ll speak to the coast guard lieutenant commander leading the search for
worst drought in a zillion years. kind of literally. the most severe drought in 1,200 years. not that anybody is counting. just this year alone, california has had the least rainful since we started keeping hateful records in california. the state is not just dry, it is freaking parched. rivers and lakes have all but vanished. the state s sources of drinking water, major reservoirs are way below capacity. farmland has had to go fallow. some parts of the state, people no longer have running waters in their home. because the water table dropped so much, they today rely on water being trucked in.ay rely r being trucked in.y rely on wate being trucked in. rely on water being trucked in.rely on water being trucked in. rely on water being trucked in.hto rely on wa being trucked in.ato rely on war being trucked in.dto rely on water being trucked in. to rely water being trucked in. everybody in the state has been directed to strictly conserve water. state and city ordinances have upped the fin
out of this area yet but you know what we are seeing is happening across the lower part of manhattan. this is probably ongoing in this area right now. a lot of water being flowing into this area and actually some of the high tides here in the back bays are going to be reached about an hour and a half to two hours later than in the city. we have to keep a very close eye as to the surge there. let s go south to sandy hook. this is getting it right now. they are in their high tide cycle right now. water is is at its maximum way over record levels that extends down over the jersey shore. pounding of the went. latest wind divufts kennedy airport 79. over hurricane force. there we go. shepard: now we know a major problem at laguardia airport. of course, laguardia is in queens, new york. it serves the tri-state region for most li domestic flights. water has breached one of the runways at laguardia airport. big problems for transportation in the northeastern united states on the way.
fairly fascinating. we had three of these things. there s one, two, and there s one over there on the other side of the scene here. that s another thing that makes water spouts interesting is because they typically they don t form with a big super cell typically. these are a little more of a coastal phenomena. the setup is a little different. you ve got winds coming from different angles, and you get a little storm that pops up along the coastline, and you get that rotation. this particular one is moving pretty fast as well off towards the there s that close-up look again. it looks like a dust devil. that s water being sprayed around and sucked up in it. this is all part of a larger system that is pounding much of sydney with heavy rain and flash floods. a lot of times over the tropics, they ll just sit and spin like over florida. florida will get these a lot, especially during the summertime, because they have what s called the sea breeze front, and that sea breeze front in the af
items to his room. moammar gadhafi is ready for a cease-fire, parentally, according to the south african president trying to broker a truce. gadhafi is not promising to step down, which is the main demand of the rebels. sarah palin s one-nation bus tour is in gettysburg, finally. there are times when she sounds like a would-be presidential candidate. she still isn t ready to call her tour anything but a campaign for america s constitution. the tour started in washington wag. then, it continued on to pennsylvania. there was some confusion about where exactly her bus was headed at times. she refuses to tell the so-called mainstream media exactly where she is going. her co-worker, greta van susteren was invited on the bus. she said, despite how things look, her one nation tour is not political. it is not about me. it is not a publicity-seeking tour. it is about highlighting the great things about america and the media can figure out where we are going if they do their inve