is is. chew that one over, it s time for a break. on our website, check out the watch list section. up next, christy is out. cain is on the rise and perry takes a hit from the washington post . but now it time to go to the next level. so let s do a little detective work. pick up what we need. roll out. caulk.and install. and pretty soon, we re seeing the fruits of our labor right there at our bottom line. more saving. moreoing. that s the power of the home depot. owens corning ecotouch attic insulation is only $9.97 a roll.
plagiarism and lift add passage from wikileaks, what passage that? the basic premise of the book, obama got duped by and proven true as it speaks and that s what the white house is afraid of. and written another book. the book come ports with, if you look at other box written about this administration, comports with the books. time for the media stories of the week. go to the fox news website and see the stories, our bias bash and the watch list section. when it comes to peace in the middle east, where do we stand? there is no shortcut to the end of a conflict that has endured for decade. peace is hard work. accused of pushing a policy of appeasement for the palestinians, president obama takes a new stand on their push for state hood. is mr. obama confusing the
the empty boot. the other thing is the terrible classroom with the kids and he waited ten minutes before he got out of there and did something. he said i wanted to project a sense of calm do you buy that? a lot of the media did. the response to that answer has been sympathetic. he has taken flak for the comment but he got support in the press to say it wasn t bad emotion to project. first, go to our website and check out the watch list section. coming up next, the new york times gets, well, creative with the facts. the new york times runs a hard-hitting story about key republican congressman, raising question about the paper agenda and more question about bogus facts.
the other thing is the terrible classroom with the kids and he waited ten minutes before he got out of there and did something. he said i wanted to project a sense of calm do you buy that? a lot of the media did. the response to that answer has been sympathetic. he has taken flak for the comment but he got support in the press to say it wasn t bad emotion to project. first, go to our website and check out the watch list section. coming up next, the new york times gets, well, creative with the facts. the new york times runs a hard-hitting story about key republican congressman, raising question about the paper agenda and more question about bogus facts.
what? you are going to have to take it up in the break with liz. we are going to go at it. keep up on media stories on our website and check out the watch list section. up next, did you see that controversial cover on newsweek in tina brown drives newsweek to a new low . the queen of rage labell. just more of the same snarky mean spirited coverage we have come to except and gop hopefuls square off in iowa. did the media make their choice? find out next on news watch. over 70% of firefighters are local volunteers. these are our neighbors putting their lives on the line. and when they rely on a battery, there are firefighters everywhere who trust duracell.