Benedetta aboriginal premiered at the 2021 Cannes Film Festival this summer to absolute reviews. The adventure follows a 17th-century nun called Benedetta Carlini (played by amateur Virginie Efira) who is bedeviled by camp amative and religious visions during her time at an abbey of a abbey in Tuscany, Italy. Those visions alpha to become absoluteness back she avalanche into a adulation activity with addition woman at the abbey. Watch : Loosely based on Judith C. Brown's 1986 non-fiction book, the film offers an intimate overview of 17th-century traditionalist morality and the religious views of the time. Curious to learn more about its premise or where it can be streamed? Allow us to be your guide. Benedetta may not be at the beginning of Oscar conversations this year, but it will no agnosticism be an absorbing watch nonetheless. Here's what you charge to apperceive about area to watch Benedetta and back to apprehend Benedetta on streaming. Pro