The timely arrival of an interest-free loan is to help grocer Brak Lim heang keep providing for her customers in her neighbourhood in Phnom Penh's Meanchey district despite seasonal supply challenges.
Sovannaphum Life Assurance Plc has teamed up with Lady Saving Group to turn its corporate social responsibility (CSR) into the perfect platform to showcase the company's dedication to empowering women entrepreneurs by providing micro-loans
Sovannaphum Life Assurance Plc, with its financial strength and trust, is making women's economic empowerment its top corporate social responsibility (CSR) priority this year by financing small-scale businesswomen.
Sovannaphum Life Assurance Plc – Cambodia's leading life insurance company with financial strength and trust– is taking its corporate social responsibility (CSR) commitment to a new level by providing financial support to women entrepreneurs operating small-scale businesses.
The 2023 Women Run 10K – organized in collaboration with the National Olympic Committee of Cambodia (NOCC) and Sovannaphum Life Assurance Plc – is to be held on March 8.