after the markets opened despite raising their revenue forecasts as the chain saw a slowdown in purchases in october. they said customers are still getting used to higher interest rates. erin delmore is in new york for us. what do these figures tell us about what american consumers are thinking right now? what american consumers are thinking riaht now? ~ . ., , what american consumers are thinking riaht now? ~ . . , ., ., right now? walmart is warning that can she were right now? walmart is warning that can she were spending right now? walmart is warning that can she were spending could - right now? walmart is warning that can she were spending could be - can she were spending could be slower heading into the fourth corner and that contains the holiday shopping season. that is an area of discretionary spending for consumers where we have seen the effects of the economy take its toll, especially when we talk about high interest rates, persistent elevation, lowered saving
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