The problems of America's health care system can best be addressedthrough market-based solutions. The evidence indicates that undernational health insurance, the promise of coverage becomes healthrationing, access to universal coverage means delays in access tocare, official fairness yields to favoritism by officials, freedomof choice becomes coerced conformity, and democratic deliberationis replaced by bureaucratic decision-making.
about what disappoints him about waste. $500,000 to study if smiling in a selfie makes you happier, and the most ironic of all and my favorite, $375 grand to study if producing studies provides better studies. and $2.5 million to study what makes the perfect first date. i would like to see the $2.5 million study to see what makes the perfect date. it could help my dating life. but all this stuff is little things that really do add up, and we the taxpayers are the ones that are going to end up footing the bill for this ridiculous government spending. there was even a report not too long ago by the washington post for $221 million for waste cost, rampant abuse throughout the government. i really hope president-elect