to decide when to use it. it is supposed to be flexible. but not intended to get the government into the oil business. it is intended to get the government into the business of protecting the economy in a broad way. greta: i m curious whether it has been used politically. if you are on the eve of election and prices are high somebody might want to say let s bring the prices down. has anyone ever been accused of using it politically? no, i think you could say that some people who call for releases now in order to bring down the price are in fact playing too a political audience. people voters with would love something that brought done the prices. that wasn t the intent of the reserve. if you use that it way, you don t have it later when you might really need it, with we a war breaks out in the mideast. when something interrupts traffic in the strait of harmoz in the persian gulf, you will wish you kept it for the real ran any day. greta: a look at energy
to decide when to use it. it is supposed to be flexible. but not intended to get the government into the oil business. it is intended to get the government into the business of protecting the economy in a broad way. greta: i m curious whether it has been used politically. if you are on the eve of election and prices are high somebody might want to say let s bring the prices down. has anyone ever been accused of using it politically? no, i think you could say that some people who call for releases now in order to bring down the price are in fact playing too a political audience. people voters with would love something that brought done the prices. that wasn t the intent of the reserve. if you use that it way, you don t have it later when you might really need it, with we a war breaks out in the mideast. when something interrupts traffic in the strait of harmoz in the persian gulf, you will wish you kept it for the real ran any day. greta: a look at energy
electricity. we have it. there s dpee bait about how to get it safely out of the ground. voufd in a ruling that was basically used, i want to read a quote from you. you say one single report, which we ll get into, one single report shouldn t be the basis for a perpetual neverending policy decision. it wasn t met to be a bill of health saying, well, this practice is fine, exempted in all respect from any regulation. i m sure that wasn t the intent of the panel of experts and the epa never viewed it that way. what are you talking about there? i m talking about the use of science and data to see whether or not a practice hydraulic fracturing, was presenting a risk to drinking water. the important point, dylan, is that the american public need to be able to convince the policy makers to connect the dots, the drops and the watts, and make sure that they re connected. with the hydraulic fracturing, we did a report that indicated that based on the information we
information act request i wasn t initially aware of it. when i became aware of it was concerned that the request was too broad an although this wasn t the intent of the request it could be interpreted saying we were trying to going kind of an all-purpose fishing expedition to find out what the competitors were up to. because of that i said i don t want to do that. let s sharpen this request to get to the bottom of it. it wasn t about trying to find out about the news gathering practices of other journalists it was a specific issue of whether or not they were inviting high government officials to these off the record salons. so i think that s quite different than hey by the way, i ll blind copy you on hundreds of emails that comes from your colleagues and competitors without their knowledge. before we go, kurt bardella has said he considers a lot of reporters lazy, people who prefer kind of pre-packaged stories put together by people
and exchanges with the united states on the basis of mutual respect and the principle of non-interference in each other s internal affairs. chris: chinese president hu dealing with the always touchy subject of human rights during the joint news conference today with president obama. we re back now with the panel. it is always tricky to try to wade through the diplomatic niceties to try to figure out what really happened. but your sense, chris, from the news conference and the read out we re getting from both sides. did president obama make any progress on the big issues that divide the u.s. and china? no. but that wasn t the intent of the event. it was to pave the way for future agreement and this is typical of the president s foreign policy, engagement is the watch word. what you do is try to develop the relationships and have them turn into something more. we have watched him do the