that these guys and people, women, had to get in order to get elected to the united states senate instead of 50? what if they changed the rules on that? if this particular senate had been in business in 1965 operating the way then that this particular senate operates now, you would not have had a voting rights bill. you would not have had it and not a series of civil rights pieces of sieve legislation pass given the way this senate operates. it s about leadership. david? i agree. on both sides of pennsylvania avenue we have had arguments on this show before about barack obama. i m disappointed in him. i think he wasn t strong enough. i agree with, sadly, with maureen s column. i go back to what an ambassador from the middle east told me in year one about president obama. i thought he was extraordinarily moving at the state of the union. but said from the mistake they
bits and pieces on entertainment news thinking, how am i going to explain entitlement spending reform. bill: you are kind of huge up on a policy end. i m not coming at it. that is an example. bill: i was interested to hear how you were going to frame it. you saw the gay marriage, you saw the legalization of marijuana shift. that shift occurred for two reasons. number one, a very well thought out campaign by the media led by people ellen degeneres who is right now the most popular personality in the country. media embraced it. number two, the failure on the right to articulate a defense on why you shouldn t have gay marriage. their argument wasn t strong enough to overwhelm the pop culture media you should have it. that is number one. so there is a shift, juan, in the way people are seeing events
bits and pieces on entertainment news thinking, how am i going to explain entitlement spending reform. bill: you are kind of huge up on a policy end. i m not coming at it. that is an example. bill: i was interested to hear how you were going to frame it. you saw the gay marriage, you saw the legalization of marijuana shift. that shift occurred for two reasons. number one, a very well thought out campaign by the media led by people ellen degeneres who is right now the most popular personality in the country. media embraced it. number two, the failure on the right to articulate a defense on why you shouldn t have gay marriage. their argument wasn t strong enough to overwhelm the pop culture media you should have it. that is number one. so there is a shift, juan, in the way people are seeing events
bits and pieces on entertainment news thinking, how am i going to explain entitlement spending reform. bill: you are kind of huge up on a policy end. i m not coming at it. that is an example. bill: i was interested to hear how you were going to frame it. you saw the gay marriage, you saw the legalization of marijuana shift. that shift occurred for two reasons. number one, a very well thought out campaign by the media led by people ellen degeneres who is right now the most popular personality in the country. media embraced it. number two, the failure on the right to articulate a defense on why you shouldn t have gay marriage. their argument wasn t strong enough to overwhelm the pop culture media you should have it. that is number one. so there is a shift, juan, in the way people are seeing events
from the first term, was he wasn t strong enough. he didn t smack these guys back. and here he s coming with this incredible gust of wind at his back coming off an election that he won in a much more commanding way than anybody thought. and kind of people were almost rooting for him, no, do not give up on this one. i want to see what you ll look like in your second term. how about the people like my parents? i was watching them watch tv. they were disappointed. what are you doing, man? now you got it. why are you backing him up? on the particular susan rice issue? yes. it seems to me that she s the one that made the decision to back off. yeah, but his support was a little less vigorous. he hadn t made a decision on who he was going to pick as secretary of state. he has two very, very qualified people, susan rice and john kerry, that are reportedly to be the front-runners. he hadn t made his decision. he wholeheartedly defended susan rice. her capability, her knowledge, her re