well, i prefer to remain in kharkiv and still i would have been kharkiv right now if it wasn t for my parents who were no longer able to withstand the terrifying bombings, explosions, constant fear for your life, going outside to even find water, drinkable water is a quest that kcould result in you death. so this kind of pressure is obviously harder for them as they are our parents and they are older than me and my sister. so we mostly for them decided to leave kharkiv with a really hard feeling, filled with regret, you know, and some shame for leaving people who cannot leave or will not leave, many of my friends are still there.
west sees the city do seem to do has to be a signal to see. what the possibilities. are and maybe a. little bit it can be the focus and i mean like i said mother you know we re going to say your home i want to talk to. the working those who met. with. your help out for the. little thing cause you have. no doubt but that. it. was.
laugh i m gonna want this i m going to be somebody about it that s great and not only do you want it i just. thought it s so funny on. this has you know here s your brother got british about it out. there just outraged you know along the whole it. was like it was i. would. go on an open. you know a. demo you ought. to be if we get. on the back of it you would be well off i know i know i m not going to. but i ll do it alone but they.
for thirty. somethings. who are terrible i was once a little girl and. shambles of. it . wasn t about this woman or. alex sad to me you were just told who will help you feel that i don t fuck with them. she was glad to see you because the house was out. i need you to live when you go home. so no.