isn t that wasting food? greg: that is true. yeah. this is a social justice nightmare. [laughter] greg: i think it s coming from the beards of the left-wing men. oh, the hipsters. greg: tyrus,, that wasn t directed at you. i know, i ain t no left-wing man. greg: does this bother you? a rich white woman vacuuming? not really. [laughter] i try to like, when i read this story, i was like because we ve got kids in the audience tonight, we re just going to play it safe? but then that creepy video you showed of the dog peeing, sorry, kids. [laughter] guess it really doesn t matter. it s funny how you word things. if this would have been, like, women are so powerful that they can be ceo of a business and then come home and clean up after lazy men, we d all be applauding this as brilliant. wow, that s so true. a woman can be a ceo during the
border was separated because her mother was a member or awe potential member of a child smuggling ring. okay, corey. let s get the facts straight. all i was asking is if you thought womp womp was the right response or if you had any regrets. my answer is it wasn t directed at a child. it was directed at a left wing democratic activist trying to use a child as a political tool. you travel with the president this weekend. did he have any concerns that you said that? like you, i don t discuss private conversations i may or may not have with elected officials. let me ask you about this judge, t.s. ellis, the judge from virginia. the president himself called a very special thing. ellis decided in a case against paul manafort can proceed.
they have much more they pay millions of dollars and pay the research. the trump people didn t pay anything. the republican operatives may have paid for, but the operative is not part of the campaign and that wasn t directed, but they benefited. they benefited with fusion gps to the tens of millions of dollars directly. be careful what you wish for. let me tell you why college is dead wrong, not just wrong. republicans drove this narrative. the republican republican operatives at the month that higher fusion in the first place and then you have this dossier. the democrats because of opposition research certainly paid that the gop is certainly
it had actually urged followers of isis to use a truck or a gun to attack the, quote/unquote, crusaders during ramadan. that kind of language even if this wasn t directed by isis it plays into the worldwide campaign. it also plays into the impression that even as isis is losing territory in raqqah and mosul it is maintaining influence and continuing to challenge the western world. that helps it gain followers and gain funding so this news is bad for london locally, bad for teresa may, but also bad for the fight against terrorism. and obviously for the victims as well, the people of london living through it tonight in what is now the early morning hours of london as well. kimberly dozier, stand by. what london police are calling a pair of terror incidents, one on
everywhere every rock that these people could be under. they have to communicate somehow. they have to they have to talk to cells. have to talk to other people supporting. there are communications going on. and they are almost all digital. and that s where you have to put your resources at this point. the other thing is we are talking earlier about the size of these attacks. what kept us safe for so long was the al qaeda philosophy that we have to be big every time. and when you try to launch a big attack you leave ripples in the water. now they are realizing that these smaller, smaller attacks are actually giving them almost as much traction because people say much more that could have been me. or in could be it could be a mall. when it comes to the claims of responsibility very quickly pb o, if this wasn t directed by isis this was like a freelancer, is there any reluctance any hesitation any shape because of you know if they tarring are