themselves, so in 1978 president jimmy carter established an inspector general. and they do a fair and independent review. i think they did a very fair assessment here. they basically said about james comey you may have had very fair and legitimate reasons to do what you did, but frankly, it wasn t your call to make in the first place. you should not have departed from those departmental guidelines, and if you didn t, you wouldn t have been in this quandary. i think that s the right call to make here. he was appropriately called out for making that misstep. that also wasn t anything new. we ve heard the criticism before from both sides of the aisle, and this was just a verification of, i think, the criticisms that people have had for a long time now. if you read his if you read what he wrote in the new york times, and i read all of it, it sounds you can correct me if i m wrong.
we have an inspector general, don. the police can t police themselves, so in 1978 president jimmy carter established an inspector general. and they do a fair and independent review. i think they did a very fair assessment here. they basically said about james comey you may have had very fair and legitimate reasons to do what you did, but frankly, it wasn t your call to make in the first place. you should not have departed from those departmental guidelines, and if you didn t, you wouldn t have been in this quandary. i think that s the right call to make here. he was appropriately called out for making that misstep. that also wasn t anything new. we ve heard the criticism before from both sides of the aisle, and this was just a verification of, i think, the criticisms that people have had for a long time
allegations, apologize, hears how he responded. no. we re we started a hearing, it s still ongoing. still ongoing. yeah. nothing new. this goes way beyond refusing to apologize to absolute denial of what s right in front of his face. this is baghdad bob the emperor s not wearing any clothes territory. what s also sinister is if lying becomes a sign of loyalty to the president, because what he s being asked to zo is deny what the fbi director said under oath, that is not a sign that will build any credibility in this administration. will he deny this tonight? knowing the president i imagine this issue will probably come up but there are a couple things i want to point out from today. first think sean had it exactly right when he said there wasn t anything new. and how do we know there wasn t
unusual step of bringing newtown parents in to actually work on the bill. the legislation broadened background checks to include gun shows and internet sales. consider this. at that time, an astonishing 92% of the country, including an overwhelming majority of gun owners, supported background checks on all potential gun buyers. we do think that would be an easy get because of the simplicity of it. because it wasn t anything new. but the nra fought hard. the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. and the nra won. in april 2013, the bill came up five votes short. the amendment is not agreed to.
do some reflection on how we prioritize what we do here in washington. the president took the unusual step of bringing newtown parents in to actually work on the bill. the legislation broadened background checks to include gun shows and internet sales. consider this. at that time, an astonishing 92% of the country, including an overwhelming majority of gun owners, supported background checks on all potential gun buyers. we do think that would be an easy get because of the simplicity of it. because it wasn t anything new. but the nra fought hard. the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. and the nra won. in april 2013, the bill came up five votes short. the amendment is not agreed to.