pilot not hitting the right command or not knowing where he was. the problem here is over the past several weeks, we have seen cooperation between the u.s. backed force, the syrian democratic force and the syrian government because they both are operating on parallel tracks, moving east. of course the fds is the primary force going after it and they are assaulting the city. at the same time, the syrian forces are to the south and they are moving down the ewe fray tease river and the city. they have been talking to each other and cooperating. it s not just to fight each other. barbara, a quick question. even if it wasn t a mistake, you make the point the shooting down would not constitute an escalation. the u.s. is characterizing this as self-defense of the u.s. backed forces on the ground.
help. wasn t a mistake made by not building the consensus before the release and having everyone agreed before the release and bringing the moderates, tuesday, sunday, study group, carcasses together? right, this was botched. this was botched, the communication was botched by all parties. i think they allowed paul ryan to quarterback most of it. they came in kind of toward the end to try to repair things with the freedom caucus and then with the more moderate republicans. it s ridiculous to start pointing fingers at the freedom caucus. i don t understand donald trump s tweet about that at all today. let me just say this. mark meadows in october of 2016 when paul ryan was dis- inviting donald trump to his big fall fest event in wisconsin, mark meadows stood by donald trump as
so, this was essentially a warning to the press and we have a briefing on monday. i would encourage everyone to tune in. i think there will be a lot more fireworks. if sean spicer wanted to make sure tv cameras were turned on and cable networks would cover it, he has done a good job of that. talking to former press secretaries, republicans and democrats who say when you walk out into that briefing room you have a responsibility to try to tell the truth and to answer questions. and he didn t do either. people make mistakes. he was given bad data on the metro. i really believe some poor staffer gave him bad data. this wasn t a mistake. it s their intentional i m not defending it. toward the media. they don t think of it as a mistake. but let s give them a little bit of grace. it s your first day. he didn t know how to organize the pool. right there s a little bit of first day of school there, which can be respected. i have watched sean with great sympathy. i got the f
there have been mistakes early on by presidents. but this wasn t a mistake. this was part of saying i think candidly and appropriately to china that this is an american leader. this is an american president and he s going to be a world leader in a different way than his predecessor. he s not a world president and a world leader. he is an american president and world leader. okay. couple other beats this morning for you. there seems to be getting a little out of control on the political level. i want to see if you re willing to own a mistake and kind of move forward in this one aspect of this political debate here that you have mike pence on with george stephanopoulos and he seemed to get caught in the old kind of tug of war between your right to an opinion but not your own facts. let me just play it for you. his right to make false statements. his right to express his
framework essentially wound up giving pyongyang diplomatic cover to build a nuclear weapon and a lot of people say the same thing potentially could happen with iran right now. you voted in favor of that iran nuclear deal. was that a mistake? no, it wasn t a mistake. and we have a very different kind of verification regime with iran. i think one of the most severe in history to make sure that iran doesn t cheat the way north korea did by pursuing a different pathway to the bomb. so i think we have a very different situation in iran than in north korea. and i m not sure that you can really compare the two very well. did the clinton administration, the bush administration, the obama administration drop the ball as far as north korea and its nuclear program is concerned? i don t think they dropped the ball, but i think it s a recognition of a limited range of options. obviously because of the heavy military presence along that demilitarized zone as you point out, military action is a