a human being had to direct this plane. there were too many twists and turns to its flight path. basically, peter, you re saying it wasn t a mcal failure or anything like that? this was a deliberate act by someone or some people in that cockpit to take that plane down, whether it was pilot suicide, co-pilot suicide. somebody else wanted to take that plane down for whatever reason? i think that s the only conclusion you can come to at this point. there s a lot of discussion about a fire in the e & eba bay. the electronics bay. it doesn t explain the performance of the plane as to what happened in terms of its identification in the transponder and acars. are you surprised by that assessment that someone deliberately put that plane in the water? i m not surprised. i would like to see more evidence before we call one of the two pilots a mass murderer. i think that s the problem i have. we can t prove or disprove