he had bone spurs, read another. a little like spotting the virgin mary on a grilled cheese where the image of a creepy man and an ultrasound of a testicular tumor. do you see anyone you know in there? donald trump. is that trump? looks like our great president. that looks like donald trump and that looks like barack obama. folks had a harder time putting a name to the other figure. i don t know. martin luther king? somebody. there s no right answer. could be kanye. kanye seemed a likely candidate to associate with president trump, given their oval office love fest. i put this hat on, it made me feel like superman. these particular mre graphics have been in use for more than a decade. army spokesman tells cnn the persons picture do not represent any government officials or entertainment personalities. did you actually eat this brisket? oh, yeah, definitely. well, definitely wasn t a home-cooked meal that s for
and now with the president, the supporters of the president, say about this. which lays out in great detail that this wasn t a home. that the russians did it like the intel guys said. this wasn t a home. general, thank you so much. really appreciate it. next, we ll have more reaction to this breaking news about the major indictment. i ll be speaking with richard blumenthal of the judiciary committee. and then later, the starting admission from the fbi that it did not follow up on a detailed january tip about the young man now charged with 17 murders in a florida high school. vo: gopi s found a way to keep her receipts tidy,
about this idaho case. this one does have me a bit more worried. and this is why. this does not seem to be the normal home-grown terrorist case like we ve seen in other cases. as i understand it, this person came here under the aus pies es of being a christian, seeking asylum from his country. so there was an intent to deceive the federal government to come to the united states from the get-go. assuming that that s all true, he was more than likely radicalized before he came here. certainly he wasn t a home-grown self-taught islamic once he arrived in the united states. that was already in place. the other thing that has me concerned, as i understand it, within a short time of him relocating to the united states, he was back in touch with his facilitators, with his handlers, from his from the terrorist organization, from the imu. so that ups the ante a bit in my