embassies garrett hague, mar-a-lago in west palm beac florida. garrett, welcome to you. tell me all that you hearing about trump world about donald trump saying that he is goin to be arrested on tuesday. donald trump s allies hav been preparing for thi possibility for weeks, if no months if following this case closely and as you pointed out, they don t have any more specific information than do you or i i fact, the trump campaign spokesman indicated in his cleanup message to reporters there is nbc news reporting, that made them first aware tha this indictment, if it comes could come as soon as next wee but politically speaking talking only about the politic here, the trump team and his sort of wider constellation of allies have leaned into this moment, have leaned into thi possibility, to be able to cas the former president a standing up against what the see as a liberal, weaponized justice system you are seeing it from trump allies on twitter toda primarily, making th inv
justice department found michael cohen guilty that same justice department this is the federal justic department, says that michae cohen s actions were directe by individual number one, whic we know to beat donald trump and that this wasn t legitimat expenses for legal fees and th like, but that it was hush money. now the most important fac about this is that that was no the obama justice department making that finding. it was not the merrick garland justice department making that finding, it was donald trump s own justice department tha made that finding in federal court. so, you know, when you hear al this talk about this is al politicized in the like, i think it is important to remember that trump s ow justice department drew similar conclusion back then but of course there was doctrine that said that sittin presidents could be indicted for federal crimes trump is no longer a sitting president. i tell, you that perspectiv