biden has moved to decriminalize it finally, it wasn t initial thought, but he has done that and change its federal classification in terms of its class how it s registered with the fta is that enough is there enough being done on here s your problem with that. who s making the decision here? the dea? well, there the enforcement agency. well, how come the legislature, the congress isn t making the decision? why does it go to the dea? the very people who profit from putting people in prison, having drugs, illegal there. now the ones that make the final decision on what s going to happen with cannabis ms federally. so the point is this more people like me who are stepping forward, i m putting my face on marijuana. i ve teamed up with retro bakery. it s called ventura farms and i m going to shamelessly plug it now. and for everybody out there, that will be the focus of jesse ventura is life