was he was threatened by agents to stay quiet. his story is ahead. also, take a look at hunter here. kiowa beach, south carolina enjoying a lavish vacation with his father, foot loose and fancy free. we ll have more on the double standard as relates to justice. first, a text from august 28, 2016. a top fbi later, lisa page distraught. she was terrified at the prospect that donald trump would be elected president. she texted her colleague and lover, peter strzok saying trump s not ever going to become president, right? strzok responded. no, he s not. we ll stop it. a week later, strzok texted i believe the past that you threw out in andy s office that there s no way he gets elected. i m afraid we can t take that risk. it s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before your 40. they had an insurance policy. they wanted to stop donald trump from becoming president. there were two main attempts to destroy donald trump. the first was a debunked russia alpha bank tr
of transparency is crazy. might be the first step of tyranny. if it wasn t for truth social, twitter might have banned president trump from telling the world what happened monday. seems that they want to silence president trump and cancel his ability to tell the truth. if you look at his track record, he s exposed them spying on his campaign, the corruption of hunter biden s influence pedalling for millions of dollars and three, voter fraud. the invention of ballot drop boxes, which the supreme court just ruled unconstitutional. now he s exposing the overreach of monday s raid on mar-a-largo. we still don t know what exact documents that they took other than some momentos. sean: professor dershowitz, let s get your take on this. very specifically, too, along with the classification issue, the espionage act, section cited