because this is supposed to be the overall law of the land. it protects our individuality, freedom and civil society, in many ways we live in a post constitutional america, those who are waving the constitution today to january 6 committee have been mayor participants in its demise. let me ask you a question. let s say you go to a court of law. there is no judge. there is no jury. you don t have a lawyer. you can t call witnesses. you can t provid evidence, you have to watch. and watch. and let s say that jury chosen by. let s say the jury is chosen by nancy pelosi, and media in the back taking pictures, rolling cameras, taking notes, as scribes. for the prosecution. the prosecution being the jury. then reporting, we have new findings, new information has come out. not a perfect parallel but good enough, that is what is going on with this january 6 committee, nancy pelosi chose every member, they had to pass yore test her test, which was loyal tie to her, nancy pelosi has b
be the overall law of the land, it protects our individuality, freedom and civil society, in many ways we live in a post constitutional america, those waving the constitution today on january 6 committee have been major participants in its demise. let s say you go to a court of law, there is no judge. there is no jury. you don t have a lawyer. you can t call witnesses. you can t provide exculpatory evidence, you cannot be heard, you have to sit and watch. let s say jury was chosen by nancy pelosi, don t worry it is bipartisan. with 7 democrats, two republicans, the media taking pictures, rolling the cameras, taking notes. as scribes. for the prosecution. the prosecution, being the jury. then reporting, we have new finding, new information. not a perfect parallel, but good enough. that is what has been going on with the january 6 committee, nancy pelosi chose every member, they had to past her test,s which were loyalty to her. nancy pelosi has not been questioned once about he
stupidly. mark: dagen, this raises the question, how can this not could intentional. you have un intentional, consequences but he made it clear he was going to war with energy industry. he came out to office, they target energy industry, and embracing this climate change degrowth propaganda. they lie about the leases they are not giving permits to drill, they have taken a lot of land. and offshore areas, off of the table that donald trump hut on the table. they blame big oil, wasn t big oil, in charge before biden was president? when the pricece of gasoline wasre half this much, all of a sudden big oil, decided to double,n triple the prices, make a ton of profits are they, not the one begging
trey: reporter: days en this mark: dagen, in raises the question, how could this not be intentional. he declared from the beginning he was going to war with the energy industry. he is embracing climate change, degrowth propaganda. they lie about leases that, they are not giving permits to drill, and taken a lot of land and offshore areas, off of the table that donald trump put on the table. then they blame big oil, wasn t big oil, quote unquote, in charge before biden was president when the price of gasoline was half this much, all av a of a sudden big oil decided to triple the prices, make a ton of profits, are they not the ones begging biden to