Potential Phase 2 rollback puts strain on Snohomish, King County s local businesses
As King and Snohomish counties prepare to roll back to phase 2, local shops are struggling to adjust. Author: Lionel Donovan (KING), Kaila Lafferty (KING5) Published: 6:21 AM PDT May 4, 2021 Updated: 8:21 AM PDT May 4, 2021
BURIEN, Wash. As King County gets ready to enact stricter guidelines to combat COVID-19, local business owners like Robyn Desimone are wondering how much longer this will go on.
Desimone has been running Iris and Peony in downtown Burien for the past six years, but this past year has been the hardest yet.
“We’re literally learning every day,” Desimone said. “There’s no way to look at what was and plan for the future. We just have to…wing it.”